Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Making changes

I decided yesterday to try to make a concerted effort to be a more positive-minded person, anyone that knows me knows I'm the epitome of pessimistic and often times it frustrates the people who care about me but there's always been a method to my madness. However, we all have to grow and change sometimes (I guess :/).  In light of this I think I just want to soak as much in as I can here in my final 2 weeks in Europe.

Last Night...

So Jose, Marvin, and I went to a party our teammate CB was throwing. Today is a national holiday marking the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.  But more importantly the holiday is a day off from work and school for everyone so as the Germans say "we make party" hahaha. It was good to get out of the house and hang out with good friends and even make some new ones. Aside from an almost physical run in with an overly drunk guy, I can't complain about the night at all. I tried this homemade mix of some strawberry juice, vodka, and spices that I must say was the most intriguing alcohol mixture I've ever tasted. Also I was provided with new inspiration for drinking games as my German teammates introduced me to the idea of utilizing a children's game with an adult twist, with the loser having to take a shot after each round (it's pure genious). Can you say drunk twister or battleship or something (I'm still working out the details lol). But YAY for Germany's reunification and good times with some really cool ppl haha :).

Went Exploring Today...

In light of seeking to really relish my experience and time I have left here, I took a 2-3hr walk through Lubeck looking to discover more of the city for myself. I took the time to walk along the canal and through two parks and take a bunch of pics of the scenery and architecture that is so varied from what I see on a daily basis back home. Taking some time to myself just listening to music and taking in new parts of Lubeck was not only relaxing, but therapeutic as I reflected on just how blessed I am to be here. This is such an amazing opportunity and I can't believe just how things fell into place for me to end up playing football here in Germany. Also my walk allowed me to experience the bi-polar nature of the weather here as I dealt with rain, gray skies, and the sun rotating throughout my short excursion. Gotta love that German weather lol

Preparing for this last game...

Now I'm looking ahead to Saturday and the last game of the season for the Seals. We suffered a tough lost to Rostock and now its time to make our next opponent pay in my eyes. I know as a team we are banged up and will be short handed, but we gotta just bring our best effort and leave it all on the field. I'm excited for the opportunity for one more practice and one more game with my Seals family. These men are amazing and I'm hoping I can bring home a win this time. Go SEALS HOOYAH!!!

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