Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Recap and Final Thoughts

So when I began this blog after first getting to Lubeck I had no idea what to expect or how my excursion/adventure to Europe would play out. I've been home about two weeks now and at this point being back here in Salem is weird to me as well. I have to pay bills, find a job, and NO FOOTBALL :(. So to say the least my life has completely changed in the blink of an eye.  But in my time away I learned a lot, saw even more, and got to have a true once in the lifetime experience.

First off I'd like to thank the people who made this opportunity possible once again. A huge token of gratitude and appreciation to Timothy Speckman and the Lubeck Seals organization. It was such a great experience to become part of the Seals family. The team and the guys are amazing and you have a good thing going there. I wish you nothing but the best in growing the club and continuing to win on the field. I'm so glad to have been invited over and get to ball out with some good friends in Jose Green and Tim Speckman, as well as, make some awesome new friends I hope to see in the future. Second, thanks to Matt Benjamin at Northwestern Mutual and Coach Scott Dufault and the South Salem Football Program. You guys were awesome in allowing me to pursue this amazing opportunity in Germany by essentially providing me with a 2-month leave of absence from work, without that this never would of been possible. Finally, thank you to my family and friends for being immensely supportive of me going to Germany and encouraging me every step of the way. This was such a quick change and an immensely scary one for me at the time. And especially huge thanks to Lilly Cox, my amazing girlfriend. I know the time away was hard on us and our relationship but we made it work and I'm glad to be back at home with you!


1) My top highlight would definitely have to be visiting Italy for a long weekend. It was amazing to see a place that before I could probably only dream of. Pisa, Lucca, Tirrenia are all beautiful. I know when ppl think of Italy it's always Rome or Milan or Venice, but Tuscany in Northern Italy is nothing to scoff at. The countryside is gorgeous and there is still so much to see and enjoy. I'd love to go back some day and explore even more.

2) Playing ball with an awesome group of guys. It was almost like being back in high school where it's so fun cuz you're just playing with all your best friends and loving all the memories you make together. Playing with so many guys who are just out there for the love of the game and who just like hanging out together was refreshing and reminded me that competition and winning aren't always the only things or the most important things. The guys on the Seals were just so full of energy and life that it made me proud to go out there and put it on the line with them. Thanks fellas!

3) Experiencing a different culture, ideals, etc.  This was probably the most difficult part for me to come to terms with initially. Being away from all the comforts of home had me questioning my choice at times and also really tested my strength as a person. But I learned a lot about Germany and the people. I got to see life through a totally different lens. In many ways it's made me appreciate America and my life that much more, while in other ways I see some of the weak points of our culture and things we could do to improve. It's been really cool to build that insight.

Low Points:

1) Simply being away from home. That was tough for me even for just two months. I felt really out of the loop with friends, family, and just life. And then coming home I realize I really am and it's been an adjustment so far.

2) The 9 hour time difference made it damn near impossible to keep up with people and talk to them even when there was time cuz it was night during the day back home and vice versa. So I rarely could get the latest scoop and keep up with family and friends even when I tried to.

3) The few prejudice moments I dealt with. Those few times really upset me and opened my eyes to how much hate and ignorance exists worldwide. It really opened my eyes and made me think about the social injustices people face everywhere. It was mind-blowing to me.

To sum it all up...

I have to say I had an amazing overall experience. The good definitely outweighed the bad and it was awesome to get to back on the field and compete. I loved being in Europe and getting to travel a bit. I'd love to maybe do it again and get to see/do even more. I would encourage any of my friends who play football and are looking for an avenue to continue to compete at a high level to consider Germany. It's basically a free vacation paid for and you don't have much responsibility besides going out and doing your thing on the field. Being on that team with those guys was truly special and I hate we were unable to finish our season with just one more win and help the Seals move in the second division of the GFL. But it gives them the opportunity to strive for even more and continue to grow as a club and build on the talent the team has. I hope for the best for the Seals and I'm sure they'll get to the GFL 2 soon and do awesome and be very competitive.

Also I'm just amazed at all the history in Europe and how surrounded I felt by the past. I think we should do more restoration here in America and look to retain the stories of our history as we continue to grow, leaving a legacy and a story for future generations. It was so much fun to see those stories first hand each day and continue to learn more about the city of Lubeck and the nation of Germany. This blog has been great and I hope all who've read it have truly enjoyed hearing about my experience and keeping up with me.

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